Download or view IRS publications specific to refundable credits, EITC, ACTC and AOTC.
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Technical tax law publications
- Publication 17, Your Federal Income Tax PDF
- Publicación 17 (SP), El Impuesto Federal sobre los Ingresos (in Spanish) PDF
- Publication 596, Earned Income Tax Credit (EIC) PDF
- Publicación 596 (SP), Crédito por Ingreso del Trabajo (EIC) (in Spanish) PDF
- Publication 972, Child Tax Credit PDF
- Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education PDF
- Publication 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens PDF
Marketing and educational products
- Publication 962, Life's a little easier with EITC PDF, Publicación 962 (SP) (in Spanish) PDF - The information on this flyer is specific to the current tax year. It promotes awareness of EITC eligibility and where to find additional EITC information.
- Publication 962 (EN/SP), Earned Income Tax Credit PDF (English on one side; Spanish on the other) - The information on this flyer is not specific to the current year but has general EITC eligibility information.
- Publication 3211 (EN-SP), Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Q&A (English/Spanish) PDF - This electronic brochure is used as an educational tool at IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers, seminars, workshops, businesses, libraries and other public places to promote awareness of EITC eligibility.
- Publication 3524, EITC Eligibility Checklist PDF - This publication is designed for distribution to tax return preparers and other tax professionals to use as an educational tool to explain EITC eligibility requirements to their clients. Also available in Spanish PDF.
- Publication 4298 (EN-SP), Life's a Little Easier With EITC (English and Spanish Version) PDF - This publication can be used to inform taxpayers of three IRS programs, EITC, E-file and the Child Tax Credit.
- Publication 4687, EITC Due Diligence PDF, Publicación 4687 (SP) (in Spanish) PDF - This publication informs paid tax return preparers who file returns with claims for refundable credits of their due diligence requirements. It also provides information on avoiding common mistakes and locating resources to assist in meeting the requirements.
- Publication 4716 (EN-SP), Be Prepared To Get The EITC You Earned PDF - This publication informs taxpayers what information and documentation to bring when having their tax return prepared. The publication also informs taxpayers of the importance of providing accurate information to save time and reduce the chance of mistakes.
- Publication 4808, Disability and EITC PDF, Publicación 4808 (SP) (in Spanish) PDF - This publication provides examples of when persons with disabilities or persons who are caretakers of persons with disabilities are eligible for EITC. This publication promotes awareness of this important financial boost to individuals and families. We developed this publication based on suggestions from preparers, social benefits organizations and other organizations both internal and external.