Form 886-H-EIC Toolkit

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This tool is to help you identify what documents you need to provide to the IRS, if you are audited, to prove you can claim the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) with a qualifying child (if you are not sure you are qualified, use the EITC Assistant to find out if you qualify).

We suggest you prepare the response to your audit letter by going through the toolkit for each child you listed on your return. You may want to have pen and paper ready to take notes about the documents you need to provide. Or, you may use our EITC Audit Document Checklist PDF as you go through this toolkit.

You can upload your response using your computer or mobile device at the Campus Correspondence Exam Document Upload Tool (Exam DUT) or you can scan the quick response (QR) code found on your notice.

You may qualify for low cost or free help from a Low Income Taxpayer Clinic and you have rights during an audit. See your rights during an audit and more resources.